Secret of the Brit

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Foundation of the Jewish Nation

While we have faith that the long-awaited redemption will surely come, the present situation compels us to do a thorough inner accounting, to stop our nation’s spiritual decline...

Microcosm of the World

By transgressing the sexual laws of the Torah, a person damages the spiritual channel that brings Divine blessing into the world. Sexual wrongdoing brings...

The Road to Redemption

Shmirat HaBrit is the test of our times. This is the underlying spiritual cause for the increase of promiscuity and pornography in the world. The good news...

The Source of Life

Each discharge of semen contains hundreds of thousands of souls. Each drop is more than a potential life. It is already a living soul. For this reason...

You Shall be Holy!

Women of Israel have the responsibility to dress in a modest fashion in order to not draw Jewish men into sexual fantasy and sin. The Torah warns us that Israel’s.

Windows of the Soul

Because of the promiscuity and immodesty that pervade modern life and Western culture, we have become desensitized to lewdness , as if this is the natural...

Wasting the Life Source

From the warnings of the Torah and the Talmud, from the prohibitions of Jewish Law, and from the inner understandings of the Zohar and the Kabbalah, we learn...

The Power of Penitence

Tshuva is one of the most uplifting experiences in life. But, the pain of facing past errors and the need to make changes to set one’s life on a healthier...

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